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Some inspirational elements:
Exterior Look
This is the inspiration for the exterior with walk out basement, loft, cathedral ceilings, at the window walls. The main floor window wall has an area that is open from main floor to the roof's ceiling.
The budget may not see this look.. the area has been hit hard and some people kept prices high for the basics so we'll see how the outside turns out.
All Black
The colours and style used in this nearby property are attractive although we will not use as much wood in the roof design.
I love the symmetry and style of Neilson Design Studio's latest design. If asked, she might have declined our budget constraints ie not to jut out the walls but funny how similar the vibe is, so similar but so much more beautiful! This is the design and rendition she just posted. If she were available she would have been working on the same style with us or for someone else! She has such flair - how does she do it?
Photo credit: Josh Balesdent photo
corner trim (grey siding though)
Muds & Suds: Mudroom Walk Through Shower room
When a hallway between the laundry room and the bathroom,
becomes a shower. Where muddy clothes and ticks stop. Cross through the shower hall after a muddy day. Walk in, doorless shower, or wet room. In wall shelving (no wood). Partial wall or glass to keep towels and electronics dry.
One day...? God said yes!
One day a piano in the window..
The day came before the plumbing!
So with the crazy pace of DIY building..
A sanctuary by a window..
God sends a free if you move it baby grand piano, to keep me sane and the house happy.
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another other up, just as you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11
And it will be said: “Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.” Isaiah 57:14